So here I sit a week after the SF Marathon, my right foot still hurting, wanting to lace up my shoes and run but I am holding steady to my promise not to run until tomorrow. I did a four-mile hike yesterday in Calaveras Big Trees and my foot felt great until the very end of the hike. I had on my Keens and had I had on my hiking socks as well, I would have been in heaven but the Keens (depite being the most comfortable shoes ever) did require the added support and comfort of my Woolsmart hiking socks. Live and learn I guess.
I will begin training tomorrow for CIM. Yes, the foot still hurts but I am going to run anyway. I will do as my orthepedic surgeon says (who also happens to be a crazy ultramarathoner and a cyclist) and keep on taking my drugs (Ibuprophen - 2400 mg a day) and only run as far as my painful foot will allow me to go. In the meantime, I will be logging miles on my bike to build up muscle that way. Different muscles, I know, but one, I must relieve the stress and two, I simply cannot go a day without exercising and three I need to build up those "different" muscles. Have you ever looked at a cyclists legs? They are to be envied for sure. Don't get me wrong. Runners have awesome looking legs (and butts) too but a cyclist's legs .......well..... just take a look the next time you're out on the road and you pass a cyclist.
This is my first official blog and I owe it all to Ben who has inspired me to do things I had dreamt of but often not thought possible. Thanks for being a friend. Stay tuned for more in the the life of a runner......
Awesome, so glad to see you blogging! -B-
If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be. I owe you... -R-
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